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姓 名: 王译员  [编号]:3200 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 生物技术、历史文化、经贸 出生年月: 1985/5/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 吉林 长春
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 生物技术
毕业时间: 2008 毕业学校: 吉林大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 6级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 吉林 长春
可提供服务类型: 笔译
评价及可提供时间: 每天都可以
案例标题: 近期项目
原文: 1.长期受雇与天津天津千乡万才公司,该公司的长期兼职译员,翻译历史文化类文件(目前翻译累积量15万字) 2.目前受雇与私人翻译机械泵网站的相关资料(最少10万字)。 3.翻译过大量生物技术类文献
案例标题: 我家门前的那条河
原文: 清清小河 驷马河简介 我的家乡是平昌县驷马镇,这里有一条清清的小河名叫驷马河。 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; 主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 流域面积大于50平方公里的支流有3条:最大支流为清江河,其上源分两支,均在巴中县境。西支名化成河,由白岩河、李家河、雷家河、长滩河吴家河等5条小河组成,在化成水库相汇合,流经奇章乡,在清江镇与三叉河相汇;东支名三叉河,由贺家河、鲜家河、白家河、罗家河等4条小河组成,流经中兴乡在清江镇与化成河相汇。 化成河与三叉河相汇后称清江河,南河至水宁寺后汇入驷马河。 河边劳作 家乡的驷马河清澈见底,岸边随时可见小鱼游来游去,河流几乎是无任何污染的原生态河流。 家乡河边洗衣的习俗已久,在明媚的阳光中,来到平整干净的河边,靠岸的水泥台上密密麻麻是洗衣的人,大婶大妈居多。 河边随处可见小船,这是为了方便河对面的人们过河而设立的渡船,这在家乡也有上百年的历史了,河两岸的人们往来大部分都是靠渡船,这也是驷马河的一道亮丽的风景。不管是夏天还是冬天,河边始终都会有大人们在河里洗衣,淘菜,甚至有些家里直接用河里的水来做饭,根本不用担心水质问题。 我们几个同学一起到河边采集河水,检测水质,水质情况非常好,有同学笑称:“以后可以直接喝河水当矿泉水了。” 。 河边垂钓 驷马河鱼类种类繁多,常见的有鲫鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、武昌鱼、蛇鱼等。每年的春秋季节都会吸引许多钓鱼爱好者来到驷马河垂钓,其中不泛有数百公里外的钓鱼爱好者,比如来自达州、南充、广元等地的钓鱼爱好者。 驷马河风景如画,随时可见不同种类的鸟儿在河面飞翔,钓鱼的同时也在欣赏风景,美不胜收。 通常在节假日,就会有来自远方的垂钓爱好者,在河边搭起帐篷,连钓数日,收获都颇丰。 看河边这位可是我们驷马镇上有名的钓鱼高手呢,凡钓鱼爱好者都认识他呢,据说他用的钓鱼饵料可是祖传秘方呢。 河边嬉戏 家乡的小河清澈见底,每年夏天都会有许多小朋友到河边玩耍,三五个一起来河边打水漂比赛,有些小朋友一个石子扔出去能打十几个水漂,非常漂亮。 因长年在河边生活,我们镇上的小朋友水性都比较好,胆子大的小朋友夏天都会瞒着家长到河里游泳,不过这是非常危险的,每年都会有因下河洗澡而溺水死亡的人,像昨年有个地方就有4个人溺水而亡。 许多家长都会非常担心小孩下河会发生危险,我们采访了多个家长,都告诉我们,一般是不会允许小孩下河的。游泳是门技术只要掌握就好了,如果天气热了需要游泳还是到正规的游泳池安全些。 被污染的河流 如果有一天我们家乡的小河也被污染了,那么小鸟的家不在了,鱼儿的家也没有了,清澈的河流将会变成臭水沟,再也看不到小孩的嬉戏,老人的垂钓,大家也不能再在河里洗衣淘菜了,土地干涸,无法灌溉。 近年来,不断有新闻报纸杂志刊登我们国家河流污染问题。现在的工厂越来越多,工厂把污水排进河流,生态平衡受到了破坏。 我们几个同学通过查阅自然环境类型的书籍、报刊、电视,上网查阅资料,了解到中国的河流百分之八十八受到了污染,百分之五十四受到了严重污染。 一、工业废水为水域的重要污染源,具有量大、面广、成分复杂、毒性大、不易净化、难处理等特点。 二、农业污染,污染源包括牲畜粪便、农药、化肥等。农药污水中,一是有机质、植物营养物及病原微生物含量高,二是农药、化肥含量高。我国目前没开展农业面上的监测,据有关资料显示,在1亿公顷耕地和220万公顷草原上,每年使用农药110.49万吨。我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,每年表土流失量约50亿吨,致使大量农药、化肥随表土流入江、河、湖、库,随之流失的氮、磷、钾营养元素,使2/3的湖泊受到不同程度富营养化污染的危害,造成藻类以及微生物异常繁殖,引起水体透明度和溶解氧的变化,从而致使水质恶化。 三、生活污染,污染源主要是城市生活中使用的各种洗涤剂和污水、垃圾、粪便等,多为无毒的无机盐类,生活污水中含氮、磷、硫多,致病细菌多。据调查,1998年我国生活污水排放量184亿吨。 城市的基础设施是工业建设的载体,制约着工业建设的规模和发展速度。长期以来,我国城市建设不恰当地把基础设施建设的载体地位降低为工业的一般附属物地位,基础设施的发展与人口、资源、环境和工业建设不协调,导致基础设施长期超负荷承载。特别是城市环境保护基础设施,仅仅在近几年才开始兴建。全国绝大多数城市的污水处理能力远远满足不了实际需要。 据1999年《中国环境状况公报》显示,目前我国七大水系、主要湖泊、近岸海域及部分地区的地下水受到不同程度的污染。河流以有机污染为主,主要污染物是氨氮、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数和挥发酚等;湖泊以富营养化为特征,主要污染指标为总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和高猛酸盐指数等;近岸海域主要污染指标为无机氮、活性磷酸盐和重金属。这些因素构成了水环境问题影响范围广,危害严重,治理难度大等特征。我国水环境问题产生的原因是多方面的,但主要是人类主观因素的影响。长期以来,我国经济增长方式粗放,企业单纯追求经济效益,而忽视环境效益和生态效益。 请爱护母亲河 曾记得少年时光 我们是多么地快乐 漂流在你的怀中 亲吻着水的花朵 是你那美妙的歌声 陪伴着我的成长 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的乳汁养育了我 当离开你的时候 我们是多么地惆怅 不知几回在梦中 才感到了你的忧伤 为何你的乳汁已经减少 是谁改变了你的模样 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的命运牵动着我 我就要回到你的身旁 永远不会再离你而去 让我用双手轻轻地抹掉 你那往日的泪痕 让我用全部的爱情和生命 报答你曾给予过我的一切 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的希望召唤着我 美丽的河流让小鸟自由的飞翔 美丽的河流,让风景无处不在 打渔人的小船是河上一道亮丽的风景 美丽的河流为村里人奉献着自己的一切 我们在行动 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上巡逻,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前制止,并向其发放小标语。 保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河 请加入我们的行动,共同保护母亲河,有了你的加入,河流会更清澈,蓝天会更美丽,小鸟会飞得更高,鱼儿会游得更欢快,我们的生活会更美好! 驷马中学 计算机兴趣小组 最初只有老师带领我们四人小组在街上宣传,第三天开始不断有同学加入我们,到后面我们的队伍状大的十几个人,这次行动很成功,同学们在我们的带动下自觉保护驷马河。 关于我们 团队成员 姓名:张艾 年级:高二 主要工作:网页制作 体会:以前只会简单的打字、上网,现在第一次真正的接触了做网页,学习到了很多东西,这次活动丰富了自己,我很有成就感。 姓名:张逸 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 体会:我们用老师的相机全程记录了本次活动,在老师的指导下我们小组共同努力完成了网页制作,我很努力也很自豪。 姓名:谢石 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访、制作网页 体会:参加这次活动让我感受到了团队的力量,自己不再是孤单的一个人,通过这次活动,增强了自己的自信心。 姓名:何孟秋 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 体会:很高兴能够参加这次活动,在课外时间让我学会了很多知识,在老师的指导下,我们顺利的完成了网页制作,不管能否获奖,这都是我人生中宝贵的经历。 制作过程 9月中旬,听老师说学校要参加网博会后,我们就报了名,在老师的组织下,我们四名同学组成了计算机兴趣小组,开始了这项崭新而充满挑战的工作。 时 间 工作项目 内容 2011.9.25 组队、确定主题 我们组成了由两位老师和四名学生组成的计算机兴趣小组,否定了之前的主题最终确定主题为《我家门前的那条河》 2011.9.27 网上参赛报名 指导教师帮我们报名 2011.10.6 至2011.10.7 搜集驷马河的相关资料,借用相机 借阅了有关平昌县和驷马镇的书籍、借用了指导老师的数码相机。 2011.10.8 确定采访对象 河边洗衣的妇女、垂钓者、和镇上的居民 2011.10.10 至2011.10.15 “保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动 在河边宣传,劝阻人们向河里扔垃圾,并发放小标语。 2011.10.16 乘坐小船拍摄 在老师的带领下,我们乘坐小船,沿河拍摄,在河边拍摄了上百张照片。 2011.10.19 采访镇上居名 利用午休时间,我们到河边和街上,对10几名不同人员进行采访。 2011.10.22 整理照片和采访的资料 分工合作,整理资料。 2011.10.23 照片简单处理 在办公室老师的电脑上,由老师指导,我们用photoshop软件对照片进行裁剪和调亮度对比度处理。 2011.10.23至2011.10.30 制作网页 我们主要利用午休时间,在指导教师的帮助下,我们使用Dreamweaver作为网页制作的工具,分工制作网页。 2011.10.31 审核 请指导老师和部分同学看网页,并由指导老师提出修改意见,再次修改网页。 2011.11.10 上传 由管理员老师给我们上传网站。 采访感受 通过查阅资料我们知道了,驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; 驷马河非常清澈,除了夏天涨大水会混浊外,其余时间水都是绿色的,非常漂亮。 在 驷马河上段,是国家级湿地保护区,居民的钦用水直接来源地,这条河流是我们保贵的资源,当地镇上的居民都很爱惜这条河,居民几乎都不会往河里倒垃圾和污水。 在采访过程中,了解到,每年夏天都会有小孩或大人因下河洗澡而溺水身亡,这让许多家长非常痛心。我们在此呼吁同学们,夏天虽热,但请一定不要下河洗澡,这会弄脏我们的母亲河,也会给自己带来安全隐患。同时如果看见有小同学或大人下河洗澡,也请及时阻止,不要让我们的父母担心。 行动影响 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上宣传,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前劝阻,并向其发放小标语。 这次宣传活动为期共一周时间,主要利用午休时间,宣传对象主要为街上老百姓,刚开始大家都很有挫败感,因为街上的叔叔阿姨对我们的宣传并不是很感兴趣,甚至有些人还认为我们在骗钱,第二天我们都想要放弃行动了,但老师不停的鼓励我们,同学们也鼓励我们,我们坚持了下来,一周时间很快结束了,我们的宣传得到了大家的肯定,也起到了一定的效果,我们战胜了自己。 在行动过程中,不断有同学加入我们,我们的行动小组由四人变成了十几人,这个行动非常成功。 我们希望通过我们的实际行动,让更多的人爱惜母亲河,锻炼胆子,增加与陌生人交流的能力。 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河;主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 我们通过对镇上居民的采访和一周行动,充分了解了驷马河是无污染的生态河流,通过对比其他地方被污染的河流,知道了保护河流的必要性,不能在若干年后,失去驷马河这一块净水。 我们学校微机房未开通互联网,只有校园内部网,4名小组成员家庭条件都不是很好,家里都不具备上网条件,只有指导老师办公室和家里具备上网条件。所以网站大部分内容均是学生在微机房电脑上编辑好后,再用优盘复制到老师办公室完成。 困?难 对?策 心?得 校园微机房无互联网 无法查阅相关资料,只能进行简单文字输入。 先把基础录入性的文字完成,后面的事就简单多了。 办公室上网不太方便 平常老师们要用电脑,只能利用老师的空闲时间来查阅资料。 时间都是挤出来的。 第一次使用phtoshop和 Dreamweaver编辑软件,操作及不熟悉。 边学习边使用,不懂的就请教老师。 通过学习,对这两个软件有了初步的掌握。 借用小船遇到困难 通过同学帮忙,找到同学的亲戚借用到小船 人多力量大 制作宣传单有一定困难 刚开始想通过手写,后面经老师协调,由学校打印了宣传单。 手写的效果较差,计算机打印的效果好,有时需要借助高科技。 活动时间严重不足 充分利用双休日和午休时间 周密制定活动计划并严格按计划有步骤的进行活动。 人的生活离不开水,动物离不开水,树木,庄稼离不水,水是大自然赋予我们最宝贵的资源,我们应该要爱护它,而不是破坏它,如果有一天最后一条河流也被污染了,那我们人类也走到了尽头。 希望通过这个网页,把我们家乡的河流介绍到世界各地,让曾经污染、正在污染和可能会污染河流的人们感受到河流的美丽而减少对河流的污染节约用水,虽然我们的力量很小,认识也不全,但希望我们人类的共同目标保护母亲河这一思想能传递出去。 6、你们是如何把学校常规课程与网博会项目的研究活动相结合的? 一直以来,农村中学信息技术课都是不被重视的课程,学生在学习过程中不主动不积极,有着一种得过且过的思想。通过这次活动,我们让同学自己来实践并完成活动,同学间相互帮助,极大的调动了同学们学习信息技术的积极兴。 这次活动给同学们提供了一次极好的社会实践的机会,通过这次活动的体验和锻炼, 同学们都学习到了很多新知识,增强了自学能力,同学们已经不再是害羞不敢与陌生人接触了,而是极积的参与到整个活动中。 通过这次专活动,使得同学们更深刻地理解了水资源的重要性,激发他们保护河流的热情,养成节约用水的习惯,增加了环保意识。 软件部分 Dreamweaver 网页制作 WORD 2003 文本处理 photshop 7 图片处理,处理照片 Flash MX 网页动画制作 ACDSee 5.0 浏览图片 Microsoft IE 6.0 搜集网络资料 Cute FTP 7 网站的上传 QQ 资料交流与技术咨询 硬件部分 手机 用于联系队员和采访 数码相机 采访拍照、摄像 U盘 拷贝资料、存储资料 电脑 查找资料、资料整理、网页制作 打印机 制作宣传标语 千乡万才跨网通平台 技术支持与交流 在我们的活动过程中,我们沿河进行拍摄,采访了镇上居民和钓鱼爱好者。我们用实际行动到街上宣传保护母亲河的重要性,我们希望有更多的人参与到保护母亲河的行动中来。 通过我们的活动,让更多的同学和镇上的居民增加了环保意识,让他们知道了河流对于人类的重要性,从而自觉加入到保护河流的行列中来。 我们的资料主要是通过书籍、网络和走访得到,有位同学亲戚家里有只小船,他帮助我们乘船拍摄;老师帮助我们打印宣传资料;制作网页的过程中大部分都是老师的指导,我们才能顺利的完成。 在制作网站的过程中,我们发现,要完成一个活动不是件容易的事,驷马河是我们每天都会看到的河流,但以前从未有过如此深刻的认识,也从未想过自己能走到大街上去宣传,这对我们都是极大的挑战,还好我们勇敢的战胜了自己,通过这次活动,我们学习到了很多新知识,扩大了知识面,重新认识了自已。 现在我们国家的河流状况不容乐观,我们希望通过这个网站能让更多的人意识到保护河流的重要性,增强环保意识。 1.收集资料 2.采访及拍照 3.采访记录 4.编写书面材料 5.整理资料  6.录入文字 7.定期讨论及研究 8.制作网页  55% 1.拟定计划 2.召开会议 3.研究指导  4.网页技术指导 5.摄影技术指导 6.软件教学 7.定期催促进度 8.网站上传 20% 1.接受采访   2.接受宣传与调查 10% 1.接受访问 2.提供资料 3.提出意见 4.帮助制作宣传单 5% 同学 1.鼓励我们  2.帮助联系小船 3.与我们一起上街宣传
译文: 清清小河 The clear creek 驷马河简介 The brief introduction of Sima River 我的家乡是平昌县驷马镇,这里有一条清清的小河名叫驷马河。 My hometown is in Sima town of Changping Country .There is a clear river named Sima River. 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北C境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. 主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 The main river-stem is 86.7 kilometers long, the valley area of 1316 square kilometers. The river average gradient is 1.37‰. It is steeper in the upstream but more gentle in the middle-down stream. The average width of the river is about 50 meters. Watershed is fan-shaped and has developmental river systems. Tributary is densely covered. The river system distributes a typical arborization and the density of the water network is per square kilometer 2.2 kilometers. 流域面积大于50平方公里的支流有3条:最大支流为清江河,其上源分两支,均在巴中县境。西支名化成河,由白岩河、李家河、雷家河、长滩河吴家河等5条小河组成,在化成水库相汇合,流经奇章乡,在清江镇与三叉河相汇;东支名三叉河,由贺家河、鲜家河、白家河、罗家河等4条小河组成,流经中兴乡在清江镇与化成河相汇。 There are three tributaries of which valley area is more than 50 square kilometers. The largest tributary is Qingjiang River. The upstream source is divided into two branches, both in Bazhong Country border. The west branch named after Huacheng River, comprise of five small rivers such as White -rock River , Lijia River, LeiJia River, Wujia River and so on. They converge each other at the Huacheng reservoir, and then flow through Qizhang town. At last, they gather together in the Qingjiang town and Triadius River. The east branch called after Triadius River, includes four small rivers. For example, Hejia River, Baijia River, Xianjia River and Luojia River and so on. They run through Zhongxing countryside and meet with Huacheng River at Qingjiang town. 化成河与三叉河相汇后称清江河,南河至水宁寺后汇入驷马河。 After converging Huacheng River and Triadius River each other, they are together named after Qingjiang River. They go into Sima River at the south of Shuining temple finally. 河边劳作 The work on the river 家乡的驷马河清澈见底,岸边随时可见小鱼游来游去,河流几乎是无任何污染的原生态河流。 Sima River is so clear that the bottom of river can be seen in my hometown. You can see the little fishes swim freely at any time. The river is a almost no any contaminative original ecological river. 家乡河边洗衣的习俗已久,在明媚的阳光中,来到平整干净的河边,靠岸的水泥台上密密麻麻是洗衣的人,大婶大妈居多。 The washing custom at the hometown riverside has been kept for a long time. Coming to smooth and clean river bank in bright sunshine, there are thickly-dotted washing people on the cement stage drawn on the beach. Most of them are aunts . 河边随处可见小船,这是为了方便河对面的人们过河而设立的渡船,这在家乡也有上百年的历史了,河两岸的人们往来大部分都是靠渡船,这也是驷马河的一道亮丽的风景。不管是夏天还是冬天,河边始终都会有大人们在河里洗衣,淘菜,甚至有些家里直接用河里的水来做饭,根本不用担心水质问题。 The boat can be seen everywhere at the riverside, which is established to convenient for the people across the river to cross a river. It also has a history of 100 years in my hometown. People coming and going on both sides of the river mostly depend on ferry, which is also a beautiful landscape of Sima River. Whether it is summer or winter, there are always the adults to wash the clothes, clean the vegetables. Even some people directly use the river-water to cook and don’t worry about the river’s quality at all. 我们几个同学一起到河边采集河水,检测水质,水质情况非常好,有同学笑称:“以后可以直接喝河水当矿泉水了。” Several of our classmates went to river together, collected and tested the river water. The water quality was very good .A classmate said with the smile:” we can drink directly as mineral water in the future. " 河边垂钓 The fishing on the river 驷马河鱼类种类繁多,常见的有鲫鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、武昌鱼、蛇鱼等。每年的春秋季节都会吸引许多钓鱼爱好者来到驷马河垂钓,其中不泛有数百公里外的钓鱼爱好者,比如来自达州、南充、广元等地的钓鱼爱好者。 There are a great variety of fishes in the Sima River. The usual fish are carp, carp, grass carp, silver carp, Wuchang fish and snake fish etc. It attracts many anglers to fish in the Sima River, which have fishing enthusiasts from hundreds of miles, such as coming from Florida, Nanchong, Guangyuan and other places of fishing enthusiasts. 驷马河风景如画,随时可见不同种类的鸟儿在河面飞翔,钓鱼的同时也在欣赏风景,美不胜收。 Sima River scenery is picturesque, and you can see different kinds of birds flying on the river at any time. When you are fishing, you also enjoy landscape that is so beautiful. 通常在节假日,就会有来自远方的垂钓爱好者,在河边搭起帐篷,连钓数日,收获都颇丰。 Usually during the holidays, there will be fishing enthusiasts from the distance. They will build their tent at the riversides, even fishing for days. At last, the harvest is quite abundant. 看河边这位可是我们驷马镇上有名的钓鱼高手呢,凡钓鱼爱好者都认识他呢,据说他用的钓鱼饵料可是祖传秘方呢。 This is our Sima town’s famous fishing expert on the river. Every fishing lovers knows him. It is said that his fishing bait is ancestral secret recipe. 河边嬉戏 Playing on the river 家乡的小河清澈见底,每年夏天都会有许多小朋友到河边玩耍,三五个一起来河边打水漂比赛,有些小朋友一个石子扔出去能打十几个水漂,非常漂亮。 The creek in the hometown is clear that the bottom of river can be seen. Every summer there are many children to play on the river. Three or five children together play the skipping stone competition. Some kids can throw a stone to play more than skipping and very beautiful. 因长年在河边生活,我们镇上的小朋友水性都比较好,胆子大的小朋友夏天都会瞒着家长到河里游泳,不过这是非常危险的,每年都会有因下河洗澡而溺水死亡的人,像昨年有个地方就有4个人溺水而亡。 The little children are all better at swimming because of living for long years on the river in my hometown.. The brave kids will swim without telling parents in the river in summer. But it is very dangerous, because every year there are died people of taking a bath and drowning in the river. Last year there were four people died from drowning. 许多家长都会非常担心小孩下河会发生危险,我们采访了多个家长,都告诉我们,一般是不会允许小孩下河的。游泳是门技术只要掌握就好了,如果天气热了需要游泳还是到正规的游泳池安全些。 Many parents worry about the children who have the risk in the river. We interviewed a lot of parents. They told us not to allow children to river. Swimming is a technology as long as it be mastered well. If the weather is hot, we should go to swim in the regular swimming pool .That is also safer. 被污染的河流 Polluted rivers 如果有一天我们家乡的小河也被污染了,那么小鸟的家不在了,鱼儿的家也没有了,清澈的河流将会变成臭水沟,再也看不到小孩的嬉戏,老人的垂钓,大家也不能再在河里洗衣淘菜了,土地干涸,无法灌溉。 If the river of our hometown has also been polluted, that the bird's home will disappear, the house of fish will not vanish and the clear river will become smelly ditch. We never will see the child’s play and the fishing of the old man. We can no longer wish the clothes or vegetable in the river. The land will dried up not irrigation. 近年来,不断有新闻报纸杂志刊登我们国家河流污染问题。现在的工厂越来越多,工厂把污水排进河流,生态平衡受到了破坏。 In recent years, the pollution problem of our country has been published by the newspapers and magazines. Now there are the increasing numbers of factories. They have discharged sewage into the river and destroyed ecological balance. 我们几个同学通过查阅自然环境类型的书籍、报刊、电视,上网查阅资料,了解到中国的河流百分之八十八受到了污染,百分之五十四受到了严重污染。 Several students through reading the natural environment books, newspapers, television and surfing the internet, have known that eighty-eight percent of our rivers are polluted and fifty-four percent suffered serious pollution. 工业废水为水域的重要污染源,具有量大、面广、成分复杂、毒性大、不易净化、难处理等特点。 The industrial waste water featured large, wide, complex composition, serious toxicity and difficult to handle and so on is important pollution of water area. 二、农业污染,污染源包括牲畜粪便、农药、化肥等。农药污水中,一是有机质、植物营养物及病原微生物含量高,二是农药、化肥含量高。我国目前没开展农业面上的监测,据有关资料显示,在1亿公顷耕地和220万公顷草原上,每年使用农药110.49万吨。 Second , the agricultural pollution. Pollution sources include animal wastes, pesticides, fertilizers etc. For one ting, organic matter, plant nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms is thick in the pesticides wastewater. For another thing, the content of chemical fertilizer and pesticides is high. We didn’t develop the monitoring of agricultural at present. According to related to information, every year we use 1,1049 million tons of pesticides in the 100 million hectares of cropland and 2.2 million hectares of grasslands. 我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,每年表土流失量约50亿吨,致使大量农药、化肥随表土流入江、河、湖、库,随之流失的氮、磷、钾营养元素,使2/3的湖泊受到不同程度富营养化污染的危害,造成藻类以及微生物异常繁殖,引起水体透明度和溶解氧的变化,从而致使水质恶化。 It is one of the most serious countries of the soil and water loss in the world. Every year topsoil loss volume is about 5 billion tons. It causes that large pesticides and fertilizer inflow the river, lake, reservoir. With the loss of nutrient element such as the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it makes that two-thirds of the lakes are suffered from the pollution hazard of the different-degrees eutrophication to result in abnormal breed of the algae and microbe. And it makes the transparency of the water and the dissolved oxygen to change which results in the water quality deterioration. 三、生活污染,污染源主要是城市生活中使用的各种洗涤剂和污水、垃圾、粪便等,多为无毒的无机盐类,生活污水中含氮、磷、硫多,致病细菌多。据调查,1998年我国生活污水排放量184亿吨。 Third, the life pollution. The major pollution sources are all kinds of detergent used in the city life, sewage, garbage, feces and so on. Mostly is non-toxic inorganic salt. In the life sewage, it contains the nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and great pathogenic bacteria. According to the survey, the discharge of life sewage in our country can reach 18.4 billion tons. 城市的基础设施是工业建设的载体,制约着工业建设的规模和发展速度。长期以来,我国城市建设不恰当地把基础设施建设的载体地位降低为工业的一般附属物地位,基础设施的发展与人口、资源、环境和工业建设不协调,导致基础设施长期超负荷承载。特别是城市环境保护基础设施,仅仅在近几年才开始兴建。全国绝大多数城市的污水处理能力远远满足不了实际需要。 The urban infrastructure is a carrier of the industrial construction and restricts the scale and development of industrial construction. For a long time, urban construction of our country unduly reduces the carrier status general adjunct status of industry. The infrastructure development doesn’t coordinate with the population, resources, environment and industrial construction, which leads to long-term overloading of infrastructure. Especially the urban environmental protection infrastructure has been popular in recent years. The sewage treatment capacity of the vast majority of cities can’t meet the actual needs at all. 据1999年《中国环境状况公报》显示,目前我国七大水系、主要湖泊、近岸海域及部分地区的地下水受到不同程度的污染。河流以有机污染为主,主要污染物是氨氮、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数和挥发酚等;湖泊以富营养化为特征,主要污染指标为总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和高猛酸盐指数等;近岸海域主要污染指标为无机氮、活性磷酸盐和重金属。这些因素构成了水环境问题影响范围广,危害严重,治理难度大等特征。我国水环境问题产生的原因是多方面的,但主要是人类主观因素的影响。长期以来,我国经济增长方式粗放,企业单纯追求经济效益,而忽视环境效益和生态效益。 According to the 1999" China Environmental Status Bulletin" showing, our country major seven river systems, lakes, coastal waters and parts of the groundwater are polluted in varying degrees. The river is polluted by organics. The major pollutant is ammonia nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, permanganate index and volatile phenols. The characteristic of lakes is eutrophication , and the major pollutional indicators are total phosphorus. total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and permanganate index and so on. The pollutional indicators of coastal waters are inorganic nitrogen, active phosphate and heavy metals. These factors form that the water environmental problem features wide coverage, damage to power and difficult to treatment. Problems of the water environment in China are caused by many factors, but the main is human subjective factors. For a long time, the economic growth pattern is extensive and the enterprises pursue economic benefit. So we neglect the environmental benefit and ecological benefit 请爱护母亲河 Please protect the mother river 曾记得少年时光 Recalled young time 我们是多么地快乐 We were so happy 漂流在你的怀中 Rafting in your arms 亲吻着水的花朵 Kissing the water flower 是你那美妙的歌声 Your wonderful songs 陪伴着我的成长 Accompany my growth 啊,母亲河,母亲河 An, the mother river 是你的乳汁养育了我 Your milk brought up me 当离开你的时候 我们是多么地惆怅 When you were gone , we were melancholy 不知几回在梦中 A few times to know in my dream 才感到了你的忧伤 To feel your sadness 为何你的乳汁已经减少 Why your milk has been reduced 是谁改变了你的模样 Who changed the way you look 啊,母亲河,母亲河 Ah, the mother river, the mother river 是你的命运牵动着我 Your fate touches me 我就要回到你的身旁 I will go back to you 永远不会再离你而去 Never leave you again 让我用双手轻轻地抹掉 Let me wipe gently with my hands 你那往日的泪痕 Your old tear stains 让我用全部的爱情和生命 Let me spend the whole love and life 报答你曾给予过我的一切 To repay of giving me everything 啊,母亲河,母亲河 Ah, the mother river, the mother river 是你的希望召唤着我 Your hope calls me 美丽的河流让小鸟自由的飞翔 The beautiful rivers let birds fly freely 美丽的河流,让风景无处不在 The beautiful rivers let landscape be everywhere 打渔人的小船是河上一道亮丽的风景 The boat of fisherman is a beautiful landscape on the river 美丽的河流为村里人奉献着自己的一切 The beautiful rivers devote its all to the people of village 我们在行动 We are in action 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上巡逻,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前制止,并向其发放小标语。 In order that let more people know the importance of protecting the mother river, we had an action of " protecting the mother river and refusing to pollute the mother river" for a week. We asked the teacher to help me make hundreds of small slogans, and four people were divided into two groups to patrol at the lunch time in the river and bridge. Once we saw the people throwing garbage and spitting, we would step forward to stop and issue a small banner. 保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河 Let me protect the mother river and refuse to pollute the mother river. 请加入我们的行动,共同保护母亲河,有了你的加入,河流会更清澈,蓝天会更美丽,小鸟会飞得更高,鱼儿会游得更欢快,我们的生活会更美好! Please join our actions and protect together the mother river. The river will be more clear, the blue sky will be more beautiful, the birds will fly higher, the fish will swim more cheerfully and our life will be better! 驷马中学 计算机兴趣小组 The Sima middle school The group interested in computer 最初只有老师带领我们四人小组在街上宣传,第三天开始不断有同学加入我们,到后面我们的队伍状大的十几个人,这次行动很成功,同学们在我们的带动下自觉保护驷马河。 The teacher led our four-group publicity in the street at first. On the third days the schoolmates constantly began to join us. At last our team had more than a dozen people. The operation was so successful that the classmates consciously protected conscientiously the Sima River in our inspiration. 关于我们 About us 团队成员 The members of team 姓名:张艾 Name: Zhang Ai 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:网页制作 Main work: webpage making 体会:以前只会简单的打字、上网,现在第一次真正的接触了做网页,学习到了很多东西,这次活动丰富了自己,我很有成就感。 Experience: I could type simply and surf on the Internet in the past. Now I real contacted webpage making for the first time and learned a lot of things. This activity made me know more abundant. I have a great sense of accomplishment. 姓名:张逸 Name: Zhang Yu 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 Main work: collecting information and interview 体会:我们用老师的相机全程记录了本次活动,在老师的指导下我们小组共同努力完成了网页制作,我很努力也很自豪。 Experience: We used the teacher’s cameras to record this activity. Our team together finished the webpage making. And I was very hard and very proud. 姓名:谢石 Name: Xie Shi 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访、制作网页 Main work: collecting information, interview and making webpage 体会:参加这次活动让我感受到了团队的力量,自己不再是孤单的一个人,通过这次活动,增强了自己的自信心。 Experience: This activity let me feel the strength of the team and I was no longer alone. I also enhanced our confidence through this activity. 姓名:何孟秋 Name: He Mengqiu 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 Main work: collecting information and interview 体会:很高兴能够参加这次活动,在课外时间让我学会了很多知识,在老师的指导下,我们顺利的完成了网页制作,不管能否获奖,这都是我人生中宝贵的经历。 Experience: I am pleased to take part in this activity. I learned a lot of knowledge in my spare time. We finished webpage making successfully. No matter whether we win a prize, it will be valuable experience of my life. 制作过程 Working process 9月中旬,听老师说学校要参加网博会后,我们就报了名,在老师的组织下,我们四名同学组成了计算机兴趣小组,开始了这项崭新而充满挑战的工作。 After hearing of the teacher to participate in CyberFair, we signed up in mid-September. Our four students formed a group interested in computer and began this new and challenging work. 时 间 Time 工作项目 Work program 内容 Content 2011.9.25 组队、确定主题 Determine the theme and build group 我们组成了由两位老师和四名学生组成的计算机兴趣小组,否定了之前的主题最终确定主题为《我家门前的那条河》 We formed a computer group including two teachers and four students. At last, we determine the theme for “ In front of my home” instead of original theme. 2011.9.27 网上参赛报名 Take part in match in the internet 指导教师帮我们报名 The teachers help us sign up 2011.10.6 至2011.10.7 搜集驷马河的相关资料,借用相机 Collect the information of Sima River and borrow the camera 借阅了有关平昌县和驷马镇的书籍、借用了指导老师的数码相机。 Borrow the books of relative Pingchang county and Sima town and the teachers’ digital camera 2011.10.8 确定采访对象 indentify the interviewee 河边洗衣的妇女、垂钓者、和镇上的居民 Women of washing clothes on the river, fisherman and residents of town 2011.10.10 至2011.10.15 “保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动 Protect the mother river and refuse to pollute the mother rive 在河边宣传,劝阻人们向河里扔垃圾,并发放小标语 Publicity on the river and dissuading the people not to throw the rubbish and give out the slogans I 2011.10.16 乘坐小船拍摄 Shooting with the boat 在老师的带领下,我们乘坐小船,沿河拍摄,在河边拍摄了上百张照片。 We shot along the river by boat under the guidance of teacher and took hundreds of photos. 2011.10.19 采访镇上居名 Interview residents in the town 利用午休时间,我们到河边和街上,对10几名不同人员进行采访。 We interviewed more than ten different people on the river and street at lunch time. 2011.10.22 整理照片和采访的资料 Clear up the photos and interview information 分工合作,整理资料。 Work together and clear up the information. 2011.10.23 照片简单处理 Handle easily the photo 在办公室老师的电脑上,由老师指导,我们用photoshop软件对照片进行裁剪和调亮度对比度处理。 We use the photoshop software to clip the photo and contrast processing with the teacher’s computer, under the guidance of teacher. 2011.10.23至2011.10.30 制作网页 Make the webpage 我们主要利用午休时间,在指导教师的帮助下,我们使用Dreamweaver作为网页制作的工具,分工制作网 We use the Dreamweaver as webpage making toos to make the webpage under the teacher’s help at lunch time. 2011.10.31 审核 Examine and verify 请指导老师和部分同学看网页,并由指导老师提出修改意见,再次修改网页。 Please the teacher and some classmates watch the webpage and modified the webpage again through advising from the teacher. 2011.11.10 上传 uploading 由管理员老师给我们上传网站。 The administrator teachers give us upload webpage 采访感受 Interview experience 通过查阅资料我们知道了,驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; Through access to information ,that we know Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. 驷马河非常清澈,除了夏天涨大水会混浊外,其余时间水都是绿色的,非常漂亮。 Sima River is very clear. The water is green and very beautiful at other time expect that rising flood maybe become muddy in summer. 在 驷马河上段,是国家级湿地保护区,居民的钦用水直接来源地,这条河流是我们保贵的资源,当地镇上的居民都很爱惜这条河,居民几乎都不会往河里倒垃圾和污水。 On the upper reaches of the Sima River is a national wetland reserve that is residents of directly drinking water sources. This river is our precious resources, local residents cherish the River in the town and almost don’t throw trash and sewage to it. 在采访过程中,了解到,每年夏天都会有小孩或大人因下河洗澡而溺水身亡,这让许多家长非常痛心。我们在此呼吁同学们,夏天虽热,但请一定不要下河洗澡,这会弄脏我们的母亲河,也会给自己带来安全隐患。同时如果看见有小同学或大人下河洗澡,也请及时阻止,不要让我们的父母担心。 During the interview we knew that every summer there are died children or adults of taking a bath and drowning in the river, which makes many parents sad. So we appeal to the students. The summer is hot, but please don't take a shower in the river. It will contaminate our mother river and brings ourselves danger. At the same time if you see a kid or adults to take a shower, please prevent them in time and don't let the parents worry. 行动影响 The action effect 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上宣传,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前劝阻,并向其发放小标语。 In order that let more people know the importance of protecting the mother river, we had an action of " protecting the mother river and refusing to pollute the mother river" for a week. We asked the teacher to help me make hundreds of small slogans, and four people were divided into two groups to patrol at the lunch time in the river and bridge. Once we saw the people throwing garbage and spitting, we would step forward to stop and issue a small banner. 这次宣传活动为期共一周时间,主要利用午休时间,宣传对象主要为街上老百姓,刚开始大家都很有挫败感,因为街上的叔叔阿姨对我们的宣传并不是很感兴趣,甚至有些人还认为我们在骗钱,第二天我们都想要放弃行动了,但老师不停的鼓励我们,同学们也鼓励我们,我们坚持了下来,一周时间很快结束了,我们的宣传得到了大家的肯定,也起到了一定的效果,我们战胜了自己。 This campaign activity has been for a week. The publicity object is primarily people in the street. At first everyone felt very frustrated, because the uncle and aunt were not very interested in that we told. Even some people believed that we were kiting. We wanted to give up this action on the second day. But the teacher and students kept encouraging to us, we insisted on. A week days ended soon, our propaganda got everyone's sure and a certain effect. We defeated ourselves. 在行动过程中,不断有同学加入我们,我们的行动小组由四人变成了十几人,这个行动非常成功。 In this action, some students constantly joined us. At last our team increased from four people to more than a dozen people. The action was very successful. 我们希望通过我们的实际行动,让更多的人爱惜母亲河,锻炼胆子,增加与陌生人交流的能力。 We hope that let more people love the mother river, exercise bold and increase the ability to communicate with strangers through our practical action. 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河;主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. The main river-stem is 86.7 kilometers long, the valley area of 1316 square kilometers. The river average gradient is 1.37‰. It is steeper in the upstream but more gentle in the middle-down stream. The average width of the river is about 50 meters. Watershed is fan-shaped and has upgrowth river systems. Tributary is densely covered. The river system distributes a typical arborization and the density of the water network is per square kilometre 2.2 kilometres. 我们通过对镇上居民的采访和一周行动,充分了解了驷马河是无污染的生态河流,通过对比其他地方被污染的河流,知道了保护河流的必要性,不能在若干年后,失去驷马河这一块净水。 After interviewing the residents in the town and the action for a week, we know Sima River is a no any contaminative original ecological river. Through comparing other polluted rivers, we know the necessity of protecting the river. We can’t lose this clean water, Sima River. 我们学校微机房未开通互联网,只有校园内部网,4名小组成员家庭条件都不是很好,家里都不具备上网条件,只有指导老师办公室和家里具备上网条件。所以网站大部分内容均是学生在微机房电脑上编辑好后,再用优盘复制到老师办公室完成。 The computer room is not available to surf on the Internet in our school, only the campus network. Four members of the group’s family condition is not very good to surf on the Internet. Only the teacher 's office and the home have access to the internet. So the most of website content is edited by student, and then copied to the teacher office to complete. 困难 Difficulty 对策 Countermeasure 心得 Feeling 校园微机房无互联网 The campus computer room doesn’t internet 无法查阅相关资料,只能进行简单文字输入。 We can only enter the words not to look up the related data. 先把基础录入性的文字完成,后面的事就简单多了。 First finishing the basic entering words, behind of things is easy. 办公室上网不太方便 It is not convenient in the office. 平常老师们要用电脑,只能利用老师的空闲时间来查阅资料。 Because the teacher must use the computer, we use it look up the data in spare time. 时间都是挤出来的。 Time all save. 第一次使用phtoshop和 Dreamweaver编辑软件,操作及不熟悉。 The first use of Phtoshop and Dreamweaver authoring software, operation is not unacquainted. 边学习边使用,不懂的就请教老师。 Learning and using at the same time, we will ask the teacher if we meet the difficulty.. 通过学习,对这两个软件有了初步的掌握。 We master these to software through study. 借用小船遇到困难 Borrowing the boat meets difficult. 通过同学帮忙,找到同学的亲戚借用到小船 We borrow a boat from the schoolmate’s relatives. 人多力量大 Large number of people is power. 制作宣传单有一定困难 making leaflet is certain difficulty 刚开始想通过手写,后面经老师协调,由学校打印了宣传单。 We wanted to write with hands at the beginning. At last we printed the publicity leaflet through the teachers’ coordination. 手写的效果较差,计算机打印的效果好,有时需要借助高科技. Writing with hands is worse and the printing effect with computer is better. Sometimes we need to use high technology. 活动时间严重不足 The activity time is not enough. 充分利用双休日和午休时间 Making full use of weekends and lunch time 周密制定活动计划并严格按计划有步骤的进行活动。 Carefully design plan and strictly do the activity according to the plan. 人的生活离不开水,动物离不开水,树木,庄稼离不水,水是大自然赋予我们最宝贵的资源,我们应该要爱护它,而不是破坏它,如果有一天最后一条河流也被污染了,那我们人类也走到了尽头。 People can’t live without water. The animals, trees and crops must also need the wate. The water is our most valuable resource that the nature gives us. We should take good care of it rather than destroy it. If one day the last river was also to polluted, that our humans would also walk to an end. 希望通过这个网页,把我们家乡的河流介绍到世界各地,让曾经污染、正在污染和可能会污染河流的人们感受到河流的美丽而减少对河流的污染节约用水,虽然我们的力量很小,认识也不全,但希望我们人类的共同目标保护母亲河这一思想能传递出去。 We hope that this webpage can introduce our hometown of river to around the world. Let the people who once polluted, are polluting and may pollute the rivers feel the river’s beauty. Thereby let them to reduce pollution to the river and saving water. Our strength is little and understanding is incomplete, but I hope that r this idea, our humans’ common goal of protecting the mother river, can pass out. 6、你们是如何把学校常规课程与网博会项目的研究活动相结合的? Six, how do you combine the regular school curriculum with the research activities of cyberfair project? 一直以来,农村中学信息技术课都是不被重视的课程,学生在学习过程中不主动不积极,有着一种得过且过的思想。通过这次活动,我们让同学自己来实践并完成活动,同学间相互帮助,极大的调动了同学们学习信息技术的积极兴。 All the time it is neglected of the rural high school course in information technology. The students do not take the initiative in the learning process and have a perfunctory idea. Through this activity, we let the students to practice and complete the activity. The students help each other and greatly arouse the students to the enthusiasm of learning information technology. 这次活动给同学们提供了一次极好的社会实践的机会,通过这次活动的体验和锻炼, 同学们都学习到了很多新知识,增强了自学能力,同学们已经不再是害羞不敢与陌生人接触了,而是极积的参与到整个活动中。 This activity provided students whit an excellent social practice opportunities. The students learned a lot of new knowledge and enhanced self-learning ability. The students are no longer shy not to contact with strangers, but join in the whole process. 通过这次专活动,使得同学们更深刻地理解了水资源的重要性,激发他们保护河流的热情,养成节约用水的习惯,增加了环保意识。 This activity makes the students have a deeper understanding of the importance of water resources, arouse their enthusiasm to protect the river, form the habit of saving water and increase awareness of environmental protection. 软件部分 Software part Dreamweaver 网页制作 webpage making WORD 2003 文本处理text processing photshop 7 图片处理,处理照片 Image processing, processing picture Flash MX 网页动画制作 Flash MX ACDSee 5.0 浏览图片 browsing the picture Microsoft IE 6.0 搜集网络资料Collecting network material Cute FTP 7 网站的上传Website uploading QQ 资料交流与技术咨询 Material exchange and technical consultation 硬件部分 手机Mobile phone 用于联系队员和采访 Used for contact players and interviews 数码相机Digital camera 采访拍照、摄像Interview with camera, taking pictures U盘U disk 拷贝资料、存储资料 Copy material ,storage material 电脑computer 查找资料、资料整理、网页制作 Looking up material, processing data, webpage making 打印机printer 制作宣传标语 Making publicity slogans 千乡万才跨网通平台 across Netcom platform of Towns and Talent 技术支持与交流 Technical support and exchanges 在我们的活动过程中,我们沿河进行拍摄,采访了镇上居民和钓鱼爱好者。我们用实际行动到街上宣传保护母亲河的重要性,我们希望有更多的人参与到保护母亲河的行动中来。 We shot along the river in our process and interviewed residents and fishing enthusiasts in the town. We used the actual action to tell humans the importance of protecting the mother river. We hope that more people take part in this action to protect the mother river. 通过我们的活动,让更多的同学和镇上的居民增加了环保意识,让他们知道了河流对于人类的重要性,从而自觉加入到保护河流的行列中来。 Our activities let more students and residents of the town increase environmental awareness and let them know the importance of rivers to human. At last let them join the ranks of protecting river. 我们的资料主要是通过书籍、网络和走访得到,有位同学亲戚家里有只小船,他帮助我们乘船拍摄;老师帮助我们打印宣传资料;制作网页的过程中大部分都是老师的指导,我们才能顺利的完成。 Our data is mainly from books, web and visits. There is a boat at the classmate relative’s home. He helps us shoot. The teachers help us print publicity materials. The most owe to teacher's guidance, we can successfully complete. 在制作网站的过程中,我们发现,要完成一个活动不是件容易的事,驷马河是我们每天都会看到的河流,但以前从未有过如此深刻的认识,也从未想过自己能走到大街上去宣传,这对我们都是极大的挑战,还好我们勇敢的战胜了自己,通过这次活动,我们学习到了很多新知识,扩大了知识面,重新认识了自已。 We found it is not easy to finish this work in making website process. Sima River is a river that we see every day. But we never had such a profound understanding and go to the street to propaganda, it is a great challenge for us. Fortunately we bravely overcame ourselves. We learn a lot of new knowledge, enlarge the knowledge and know ourselves again. 现在我们国家的河流状况不容乐观,我们希望通过这个网站能让更多的人意识到保护河流的重要性,增强环保意识。 Now it is not optimistic of our country river situation. We hope that it can make more people have aware of the importance of protecting rivers and enhance environmental awareness. 1.收集资料 Collecting material 2.采访及拍照 Interview and taking photoes 3.采访记录 Interviewing and writing 4.编写书面材料 Writing written material 5.整理资料  Processing material 6.录入文字 Entering the words 7.定期讨论及研究 Regularly discussing and research 8.制作网页 Making the webpage  55% 1.拟定计划 Doing the plan 2.召开会议 Holding a meeting 3.研究指导 Research and guide  4.网页技术指导 Technical guidance 5.摄影技术指导 Techniques for photography 6.软件教学 Software teaching 7.定期催促进度 Regularly urging the schedule 8.网站上传 Website uploading 20% 1.接受采访    2.接受宣传与调查 Accepting interview Accepting investigation and publicity 10% 1.接受访问 Accepting interview 2.提供资料 Providing material 3.提出意见 Advising 4.帮助制作宣传单 Help making leaflet 5% 同学 schoolmate 1.鼓励我们  Encouraging us 2.帮助联系小船 Help contact a boat 3.与我们一起上街宣传 Publicity together with us at the street
案例标题: 近期项目
原文: 清清小河 驷马河简介 我的家乡是平昌县驷马镇,这里有一条清清的小河名叫驷马河。 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; 主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 流域面积大于50平方公里的支流有3条:最大支流为清江河,其上源分两支,均在巴中县境。西支名化成河,由白岩河、李家河、雷家河、长滩河吴家河等5条小河组成,在化成水库相汇合,流经奇章乡,在清江镇与三叉河相汇;东支名三叉河,由贺家河、鲜家河、白家河、罗家河等4条小河组成,流经中兴乡在清江镇与化成河相汇。 化成河与三叉河相汇后称清江河,南河至水宁寺后汇入驷马河。 河边劳作 家乡的驷马河清澈见底,岸边随时可见小鱼游来游去,河流几乎是无任何污染的原生态河流。 家乡河边洗衣的习俗已久,在明媚的阳光中,来到平整干净的河边,靠岸的水泥台上密密麻麻是洗衣的人,大婶大妈居多。 河边随处可见小船,这是为了方便河对面的人们过河而设立的渡船,这在家乡也有上百年的历史了,河两岸的人们往来大部分都是靠渡船,这也是驷马河的一道亮丽的风景。不管是夏天还是冬天,河边始终都会有大人们在河里洗衣,淘菜,甚至有些家里直接用河里的水来做饭,根本不用担心水质问题。 我们几个同学一起到河边采集河水,检测水质,水质情况非常好,有同学笑称:“以后可以直接喝河水当矿泉水了。” 。 河边垂钓 驷马河鱼类种类繁多,常见的有鲫鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、武昌鱼、蛇鱼等。每年的春秋季节都会吸引许多钓鱼爱好者来到驷马河垂钓,其中不泛有数百公里外的钓鱼爱好者,比如来自达州、南充、广元等地的钓鱼爱好者。 驷马河风景如画,随时可见不同种类的鸟儿在河面飞翔,钓鱼的同时也在欣赏风景,美不胜收。 通常在节假日,就会有来自远方的垂钓爱好者,在河边搭起帐篷,连钓数日,收获都颇丰。 看河边这位可是我们驷马镇上有名的钓鱼高手呢,凡钓鱼爱好者都认识他呢,据说他用的钓鱼饵料可是祖传秘方呢。 河边嬉戏 家乡的小河清澈见底,每年夏天都会有许多小朋友到河边玩耍,三五个一起来河边打水漂比赛,有些小朋友一个石子扔出去能打十几个水漂,非常漂亮。 因长年在河边生活,我们镇上的小朋友水性都比较好,胆子大的小朋友夏天都会瞒着家长到河里游泳,不过这是非常危险的,每年都会有因下河洗澡而溺水死亡的人,像昨年有个地方就有4个人溺水而亡。 许多家长都会非常担心小孩下河会发生危险,我们采访了多个家长,都告诉我们,一般是不会允许小孩下河的。游泳是门技术只要掌握就好了,如果天气热了需要游泳还是到正规的游泳池安全些。 被污染的河流 如果有一天我们家乡的小河也被污染了,那么小鸟的家不在了,鱼儿的家也没有了,清澈的河流将会变成臭水沟,再也看不到小孩的嬉戏,老人的垂钓,大家也不能再在河里洗衣淘菜了,土地干涸,无法灌溉。 近年来,不断有新闻报纸杂志刊登我们国家河流污染问题。现在的工厂越来越多,工厂把污水排进河流,生态平衡受到了破坏。 我们几个同学通过查阅自然环境类型的书籍、报刊、电视,上网查阅资料,了解到中国的河流百分之八十八受到了污染,百分之五十四受到了严重污染。 一、工业废水为水域的重要污染源,具有量大、面广、成分复杂、毒性大、不易净化、难处理等特点。 二、农业污染,污染源包括牲畜粪便、农药、化肥等。农药污水中,一是有机质、植物营养物及病原微生物含量高,二是农药、化肥含量高。我国目前没开展农业面上的监测,据有关资料显示,在1亿公顷耕地和220万公顷草原上,每年使用农药110.49万吨。我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,每年表土流失量约50亿吨,致使大量农药、化肥随表土流入江、河、湖、库,随之流失的氮、磷、钾营养元素,使2/3的湖泊受到不同程度富营养化污染的危害,造成藻类以及微生物异常繁殖,引起水体透明度和溶解氧的变化,从而致使水质恶化。 三、生活污染,污染源主要是城市生活中使用的各种洗涤剂和污水、垃圾、粪便等,多为无毒的无机盐类,生活污水中含氮、磷、硫多,致病细菌多。据调查,1998年我国生活污水排放量184亿吨。 城市的基础设施是工业建设的载体,制约着工业建设的规模和发展速度。长期以来,我国城市建设不恰当地把基础设施建设的载体地位降低为工业的一般附属物地位,基础设施的发展与人口、资源、环境和工业建设不协调,导致基础设施长期超负荷承载。特别是城市环境保护基础设施,仅仅在近几年才开始兴建。全国绝大多数城市的污水处理能力远远满足不了实际需要。 据1999年《中国环境状况公报》显示,目前我国七大水系、主要湖泊、近岸海域及部分地区的地下水受到不同程度的污染。河流以有机污染为主,主要污染物是氨氮、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数和挥发酚等;湖泊以富营养化为特征,主要污染指标为总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和高猛酸盐指数等;近岸海域主要污染指标为无机氮、活性磷酸盐和重金属。这些因素构成了水环境问题影响范围广,危害严重,治理难度大等特征。我国水环境问题产生的原因是多方面的,但主要是人类主观因素的影响。长期以来,我国经济增长方式粗放,企业单纯追求经济效益,而忽视环境效益和生态效益。 请爱护母亲河 曾记得少年时光 我们是多么地快乐 漂流在你的怀中 亲吻着水的花朵 是你那美妙的歌声 陪伴着我的成长 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的乳汁养育了我 当离开你的时候 我们是多么地惆怅 不知几回在梦中 才感到了你的忧伤 为何你的乳汁已经减少 是谁改变了你的模样 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的命运牵动着我 我就要回到你的身旁 永远不会再离你而去 让我用双手轻轻地抹掉 你那往日的泪痕 让我用全部的爱情和生命 报答你曾给予过我的一切 啊,母亲河,母亲河 是你的希望召唤着我 美丽的河流让小鸟自由的飞翔 美丽的河流,让风景无处不在 打渔人的小船是河上一道亮丽的风景 美丽的河流为村里人奉献着自己的一切 我们在行动 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上巡逻,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前制止,并向其发放小标语。 保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河 请加入我们的行动,共同保护母亲河,有了你的加入,河流会更清澈,蓝天会更美丽,小鸟会飞得更高,鱼儿会游得更欢快,我们的生活会更美好! 驷马中学 计算机兴趣小组 最初只有老师带领我们四人小组在街上宣传,第三天开始不断有同学加入我们,到后面我们的队伍状大的十几个人,这次行动很成功,同学们在我们的带动下自觉保护驷马河。 关于我们 团队成员 姓名:张艾 年级:高二 主要工作:网页制作 体会:以前只会简单的打字、上网,现在第一次真正的接触了做网页,学习到了很多东西,这次活动丰富了自己,我很有成就感。 姓名:张逸 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 体会:我们用老师的相机全程记录了本次活动,在老师的指导下我们小组共同努力完成了网页制作,我很努力也很自豪。 姓名:谢石 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访、制作网页 体会:参加这次活动让我感受到了团队的力量,自己不再是孤单的一个人,通过这次活动,增强了自己的自信心。 姓名:何孟秋 年级:高二 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 体会:很高兴能够参加这次活动,在课外时间让我学会了很多知识,在老师的指导下,我们顺利的完成了网页制作,不管能否获奖,这都是我人生中宝贵的经历。 制作过程 9月中旬,听老师说学校要参加网博会后,我们就报了名,在老师的组织下,我们四名同学组成了计算机兴趣小组,开始了这项崭新而充满挑战的工作。 时 间 工作项目 内容 2011.9.25 组队、确定主题 我们组成了由两位老师和四名学生组成的计算机兴趣小组,否定了之前的主题最终确定主题为《我家门前的那条河》 2011.9.27 网上参赛报名 指导教师帮我们报名 2011.10.6 至2011.10.7 搜集驷马河的相关资料,借用相机 借阅了有关平昌县和驷马镇的书籍、借用了指导老师的数码相机。 2011.10.8 确定采访对象 河边洗衣的妇女、垂钓者、和镇上的居民 2011.10.10 至2011.10.15 “保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动 在河边宣传,劝阻人们向河里扔垃圾,并发放小标语。 2011.10.16 乘坐小船拍摄 在老师的带领下,我们乘坐小船,沿河拍摄,在河边拍摄了上百张照片。 2011.10.19 采访镇上居名 利用午休时间,我们到河边和街上,对10几名不同人员进行采访。 2011.10.22 整理照片和采访的资料 分工合作,整理资料。 2011.10.23 照片简单处理 在办公室老师的电脑上,由老师指导,我们用photoshop软件对照片进行裁剪和调亮度对比度处理。 2011.10.23至2011.10.30 制作网页 我们主要利用午休时间,在指导教师的帮助下,我们使用Dreamweaver作为网页制作的工具,分工制作网页。 2011.10.31 审核 请指导老师和部分同学看网页,并由指导老师提出修改意见,再次修改网页。 2011.11.10 上传 由管理员老师给我们上传网站。 采访感受 通过查阅资料我们知道了,驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; 驷马河非常清澈,除了夏天涨大水会混浊外,其余时间水都是绿色的,非常漂亮。 在 驷马河上段,是国家级湿地保护区,居民的钦用水直接来源地,这条河流是我们保贵的资源,当地镇上的居民都很爱惜这条河,居民几乎都不会往河里倒垃圾和污水。 在采访过程中,了解到,每年夏天都会有小孩或大人因下河洗澡而溺水身亡,这让许多家长非常痛心。我们在此呼吁同学们,夏天虽热,但请一定不要下河洗澡,这会弄脏我们的母亲河,也会给自己带来安全隐患。同时如果看见有小同学或大人下河洗澡,也请及时阻止,不要让我们的父母担心。 行动影响 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上宣传,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前劝阻,并向其发放小标语。 这次宣传活动为期共一周时间,主要利用午休时间,宣传对象主要为街上老百姓,刚开始大家都很有挫败感,因为街上的叔叔阿姨对我们的宣传并不是很感兴趣,甚至有些人还认为我们在骗钱,第二天我们都想要放弃行动了,但老师不停的鼓励我们,同学们也鼓励我们,我们坚持了下来,一周时间很快结束了,我们的宣传得到了大家的肯定,也起到了一定的效果,我们战胜了自己。 在行动过程中,不断有同学加入我们,我们的行动小组由四人变成了十几人,这个行动非常成功。 我们希望通过我们的实际行动,让更多的人爱惜母亲河,锻炼胆子,增加与陌生人交流的能力。 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河;主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 我们通过对镇上居民的采访和一周行动,充分了解了驷马河是无污染的生态河流,通过对比其他地方被污染的河流,知道了保护河流的必要性,不能在若干年后,失去驷马河这一块净水。 我们学校微机房未开通互联网,只有校园内部网,4名小组成员家庭条件都不是很好,家里都不具备上网条件,只有指导老师办公室和家里具备上网条件。所以网站大部分内容均是学生在微机房电脑上编辑好后,再用优盘复制到老师办公室完成。 困?难 对?策 心?得 校园微机房无互联网 无法查阅相关资料,只能进行简单文字输入。 先把基础录入性的文字完成,后面的事就简单多了。 办公室上网不太方便 平常老师们要用电脑,只能利用老师的空闲时间来查阅资料。 时间都是挤出来的。 第一次使用phtoshop和 Dreamweaver编辑软件,操作及不熟悉。 边学习边使用,不懂的就请教老师。 通过学习,对这两个软件有了初步的掌握。 借用小船遇到困难 通过同学帮忙,找到同学的亲戚借用到小船 人多力量大 制作宣传单有一定困难 刚开始想通过手写,后面经老师协调,由学校打印了宣传单。 手写的效果较差,计算机打印的效果好,有时需要借助高科技。 活动时间严重不足 充分利用双休日和午休时间 周密制定活动计划并严格按计划有步骤的进行活动。 人的生活离不开水,动物离不开水,树木,庄稼离不水,水是大自然赋予我们最宝贵的资源,我们应该要爱护它,而不是破坏它,如果有一天最后一条河流也被污染了,那我们人类也走到了尽头。 希望通过这个网页,把我们家乡的河流介绍到世界各地,让曾经污染、正在污染和可能会污染河流的人们感受到河流的美丽而减少对河流的污染节约用水,虽然我们的力量很小,认识也不全,但希望我们人类的共同目标保护母亲河这一思想能传递出去。 6、你们是如何把学校常规课程与网博会项目的研究活动相结合的? 一直以来,农村中学信息技术课都是不被重视的课程,学生在学习过程中不主动不积极,有着一种得过且过的思想。通过这次活动,我们让同学自己来实践并完成活动,同学间相互帮助,极大的调动了同学们学习信息技术的积极兴。 这次活动给同学们提供了一次极好的社会实践的机会,通过这次活动的体验和锻炼, 同学们都学习到了很多新知识,增强了自学能力,同学们已经不再是害羞不敢与陌生人接触了,而是极积的参与到整个活动中。 通过这次专活动,使得同学们更深刻地理解了水资源的重要性,激发他们保护河流的热情,养成节约用水的习惯,增加了环保意识。 软件部分 Dreamweaver 网页制作 WORD 2003 文本处理 photshop 7 图片处理,处理照片 Flash MX 网页动画制作 ACDSee 5.0 浏览图片 Microsoft IE 6.0 搜集网络资料 Cute FTP 7 网站的上传 QQ 资料交流与技术咨询 硬件部分 手机 用于联系队员和采访 数码相机 采访拍照、摄像 U盘 拷贝资料、存储资料 电脑 查找资料、资料整理、网页制作 打印机 制作宣传标语 千乡万才跨网通平台 技术支持与交流 在我们的活动过程中,我们沿河进行拍摄,采访了镇上居民和钓鱼爱好者。我们用实际行动到街上宣传保护母亲河的重要性,我们希望有更多的人参与到保护母亲河的行动中来。 通过我们的活动,让更多的同学和镇上的居民增加了环保意识,让他们知道了河流对于人类的重要性,从而自觉加入到保护河流的行列中来。 我们的资料主要是通过书籍、网络和走访得到,有位同学亲戚家里有只小船,他帮助我们乘船拍摄;老师帮助我们打印宣传资料;制作网页的过程中大部分都是老师的指导,我们才能顺利的完成。 在制作网站的过程中,我们发现,要完成一个活动不是件容易的事,驷马河是我们每天都会看到的河流,但以前从未有过如此深刻的认识,也从未想过自己能走到大街上去宣传,这对我们都是极大的挑战,还好我们勇敢的战胜了自己,通过这次活动,我们学习到了很多新知识,扩大了知识面,重新认识了自已。 现在我们国家的河流状况不容乐观,我们希望通过这个网站能让更多的人意识到保护河流的重要性,增强环保意识。 1.收集资料 2.采访及拍照 3.采访记录 4.编写书面材料 5.整理资料  6.录入文字 7.定期讨论及研究 8.制作网页  55% 1.拟定计划 2.召开会议 3.研究指导  4.网页技术指导 5.摄影技术指导 6.软件教学 7.定期催促进度 8.网站上传 20% 1.接受采访   2.接受宣传与调查 10% 1.接受访问 2.提供资料 3.提出意见 4.帮助制作宣传单 5% 同学 1.鼓励我们  2.帮助联系小船 3.与我们一起上街宣传
译文: 清清小河 The clear creek 驷马河简介 The brief introduction of Sima River 我的家乡是平昌县驷马镇,这里有一条清清的小河名叫驷马河。 My hometown is in Sima town of Changping Country .There is a clear river named Sima River. 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北C境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. 主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 The main river-stem is 86.7 kilometers long, the valley area of 1316 square kilometers. The river average gradient is 1.37‰. It is steeper in the upstream but more gentle in the middle-down stream. The average width of the river is about 50 meters. Watershed is fan-shaped and has developmental river systems. Tributary is densely covered. The river system distributes a typical arborization and the density of the water network is per square kilometer 2.2 kilometers. 流域面积大于50平方公里的支流有3条:最大支流为清江河,其上源分两支,均在巴中县境。西支名化成河,由白岩河、李家河、雷家河、长滩河吴家河等5条小河组成,在化成水库相汇合,流经奇章乡,在清江镇与三叉河相汇;东支名三叉河,由贺家河、鲜家河、白家河、罗家河等4条小河组成,流经中兴乡在清江镇与化成河相汇。 There are three tributaries of which valley area is more than 50 square kilometers. The largest tributary is Qingjiang River. The upstream source is divided into two branches, both in Bazhong Country border. The west branch named after Huacheng River, comprise of five small rivers such as White -rock River , Lijia River, LeiJia River, Wujia River and so on. They converge each other at the Huacheng reservoir, and then flow through Qizhang town. At last, they gather together in the Qingjiang town and Triadius River. The east branch called after Triadius River, includes four small rivers. For example, Hejia River, Baijia River, Xianjia River and Luojia River and so on. They run through Zhongxing countryside and meet with Huacheng River at Qingjiang town. 化成河与三叉河相汇后称清江河,南河至水宁寺后汇入驷马河。 After converging Huacheng River and Triadius River each other, they are together named after Qingjiang River. They go into Sima River at the south of Shuining temple finally. 河边劳作 The work on the river 家乡的驷马河清澈见底,岸边随时可见小鱼游来游去,河流几乎是无任何污染的原生态河流。 Sima River is so clear that the bottom of river can be seen in my hometown. You can see the little fishes swim freely at any time. The river is a almost no any contaminative original ecological river. 家乡河边洗衣的习俗已久,在明媚的阳光中,来到平整干净的河边,靠岸的水泥台上密密麻麻是洗衣的人,大婶大妈居多。 The washing custom at the hometown riverside has been kept for a long time. Coming to smooth and clean river bank in bright sunshine, there are thickly-dotted washing people on the cement stage drawn on the beach. Most of them are aunts . 河边随处可见小船,这是为了方便河对面的人们过河而设立的渡船,这在家乡也有上百年的历史了,河两岸的人们往来大部分都是靠渡船,这也是驷马河的一道亮丽的风景。不管是夏天还是冬天,河边始终都会有大人们在河里洗衣,淘菜,甚至有些家里直接用河里的水来做饭,根本不用担心水质问题。 The boat can be seen everywhere at the riverside, which is established to convenient for the people across the river to cross a river. It also has a history of 100 years in my hometown. People coming and going on both sides of the river mostly depend on ferry, which is also a beautiful landscape of Sima River. Whether it is summer or winter, there are always the adults to wash the clothes, clean the vegetables. Even some people directly use the river-water to cook and don’t worry about the river’s quality at all. 我们几个同学一起到河边采集河水,检测水质,水质情况非常好,有同学笑称:“以后可以直接喝河水当矿泉水了。” Several of our classmates went to river together, collected and tested the river water. The water quality was very good .A classmate said with the smile:” we can drink directly as mineral water in the future. " 河边垂钓 The fishing on the river 驷马河鱼类种类繁多,常见的有鲫鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、武昌鱼、蛇鱼等。每年的春秋季节都会吸引许多钓鱼爱好者来到驷马河垂钓,其中不泛有数百公里外的钓鱼爱好者,比如来自达州、南充、广元等地的钓鱼爱好者。 There are a great variety of fishes in the Sima River. The usual fish are carp, carp, grass carp, silver carp, Wuchang fish and snake fish etc. It attracts many anglers to fish in the Sima River, which have fishing enthusiasts from hundreds of miles, such as coming from Florida, Nanchong, Guangyuan and other places of fishing enthusiasts. 驷马河风景如画,随时可见不同种类的鸟儿在河面飞翔,钓鱼的同时也在欣赏风景,美不胜收。 Sima River scenery is picturesque, and you can see different kinds of birds flying on the river at any time. When you are fishing, you also enjoy landscape that is so beautiful. 通常在节假日,就会有来自远方的垂钓爱好者,在河边搭起帐篷,连钓数日,收获都颇丰。 Usually during the holidays, there will be fishing enthusiasts from the distance. They will build their tent at the riversides, even fishing for days. At last, the harvest is quite abundant. 看河边这位可是我们驷马镇上有名的钓鱼高手呢,凡钓鱼爱好者都认识他呢,据说他用的钓鱼饵料可是祖传秘方呢。 This is our Sima town’s famous fishing expert on the river. Every fishing lovers knows him. It is said that his fishing bait is ancestral secret recipe. 河边嬉戏 Playing on the river 家乡的小河清澈见底,每年夏天都会有许多小朋友到河边玩耍,三五个一起来河边打水漂比赛,有些小朋友一个石子扔出去能打十几个水漂,非常漂亮。 The creek in the hometown is clear that the bottom of river can be seen. Every summer there are many children to play on the river. Three or five children together play the skipping stone competition. Some kids can throw a stone to play more than skipping and very beautiful. 因长年在河边生活,我们镇上的小朋友水性都比较好,胆子大的小朋友夏天都会瞒着家长到河里游泳,不过这是非常危险的,每年都会有因下河洗澡而溺水死亡的人,像昨年有个地方就有4个人溺水而亡。 The little children are all better at swimming because of living for long years on the river in my hometown.. The brave kids will swim without telling parents in the river in summer. But it is very dangerous, because every year there are died people of taking a bath and drowning in the river. Last year there were four people died from drowning. 许多家长都会非常担心小孩下河会发生危险,我们采访了多个家长,都告诉我们,一般是不会允许小孩下河的。游泳是门技术只要掌握就好了,如果天气热了需要游泳还是到正规的游泳池安全些。 Many parents worry about the children who have the risk in the river. We interviewed a lot of parents. They told us not to allow children to river. Swimming is a technology as long as it be mastered well. If the weather is hot, we should go to swim in the regular swimming pool .That is also safer. 被污染的河流 Polluted rivers 如果有一天我们家乡的小河也被污染了,那么小鸟的家不在了,鱼儿的家也没有了,清澈的河流将会变成臭水沟,再也看不到小孩的嬉戏,老人的垂钓,大家也不能再在河里洗衣淘菜了,土地干涸,无法灌溉。 If the river of our hometown has also been polluted, that the bird's home will disappear, the house of fish will not vanish and the clear river will become smelly ditch. We never will see the child’s play and the fishing of the old man. We can no longer wish the clothes or vegetable in the river. The land will dried up not irrigation. 近年来,不断有新闻报纸杂志刊登我们国家河流污染问题。现在的工厂越来越多,工厂把污水排进河流,生态平衡受到了破坏。 In recent years, the pollution problem of our country has been published by the newspapers and magazines. Now there are the increasing numbers of factories. They have discharged sewage into the river and destroyed ecological balance. 我们几个同学通过查阅自然环境类型的书籍、报刊、电视,上网查阅资料,了解到中国的河流百分之八十八受到了污染,百分之五十四受到了严重污染。 Several students through reading the natural environment books, newspapers, television and surfing the internet, have known that eighty-eight percent of our rivers are polluted and fifty-four percent suffered serious pollution. 工业废水为水域的重要污染源,具有量大、面广、成分复杂、毒性大、不易净化、难处理等特点。 The industrial waste water featured large, wide, complex composition, serious toxicity and difficult to handle and so on is important pollution of water area. 二、农业污染,污染源包括牲畜粪便、农药、化肥等。农药污水中,一是有机质、植物营养物及病原微生物含量高,二是农药、化肥含量高。我国目前没开展农业面上的监测,据有关资料显示,在1亿公顷耕地和220万公顷草原上,每年使用农药110.49万吨。 Second , the agricultural pollution. Pollution sources include animal wastes, pesticides, fertilizers etc. For one ting, organic matter, plant nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms is thick in the pesticides wastewater. For another thing, the content of chemical fertilizer and pesticides is high. We didn’t develop the monitoring of agricultural at present. According to related to information, every year we use 1,1049 million tons of pesticides in the 100 million hectares of cropland and 2.2 million hectares of grasslands. 我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,每年表土流失量约50亿吨,致使大量农药、化肥随表土流入江、河、湖、库,随之流失的氮、磷、钾营养元素,使2/3的湖泊受到不同程度富营养化污染的危害,造成藻类以及微生物异常繁殖,引起水体透明度和溶解氧的变化,从而致使水质恶化。 It is one of the most serious countries of the soil and water loss in the world. Every year topsoil loss volume is about 5 billion tons. It causes that large pesticides and fertilizer inflow the river, lake, reservoir. With the loss of nutrient element such as the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it makes that two-thirds of the lakes are suffered from the pollution hazard of the different-degrees eutrophication to result in abnormal breed of the algae and microbe. And it makes the transparency of the water and the dissolved oxygen to change which results in the water quality deterioration. 三、生活污染,污染源主要是城市生活中使用的各种洗涤剂和污水、垃圾、粪便等,多为无毒的无机盐类,生活污水中含氮、磷、硫多,致病细菌多。据调查,1998年我国生活污水排放量184亿吨。 Third, the life pollution. The major pollution sources are all kinds of detergent used in the city life, sewage, garbage, feces and so on. Mostly is non-toxic inorganic salt. In the life sewage, it contains the nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and great pathogenic bacteria. According to the survey, the discharge of life sewage in our country can reach 18.4 billion tons. 城市的基础设施是工业建设的载体,制约着工业建设的规模和发展速度。长期以来,我国城市建设不恰当地把基础设施建设的载体地位降低为工业的一般附属物地位,基础设施的发展与人口、资源、环境和工业建设不协调,导致基础设施长期超负荷承载。特别是城市环境保护基础设施,仅仅在近几年才开始兴建。全国绝大多数城市的污水处理能力远远满足不了实际需要。 The urban infrastructure is a carrier of the industrial construction and restricts the scale and development of industrial construction. For a long time, urban construction of our country unduly reduces the carrier status general adjunct status of industry. The infrastructure development doesn’t coordinate with the population, resources, environment and industrial construction, which leads to long-term overloading of infrastructure. Especially the urban environmental protection infrastructure has been popular in recent years. The sewage treatment capacity of the vast majority of cities can’t meet the actual needs at all. 据1999年《中国环境状况公报》显示,目前我国七大水系、主要湖泊、近岸海域及部分地区的地下水受到不同程度的污染。河流以有机污染为主,主要污染物是氨氮、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数和挥发酚等;湖泊以富营养化为特征,主要污染指标为总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和高猛酸盐指数等;近岸海域主要污染指标为无机氮、活性磷酸盐和重金属。这些因素构成了水环境问题影响范围广,危害严重,治理难度大等特征。我国水环境问题产生的原因是多方面的,但主要是人类主观因素的影响。长期以来,我国经济增长方式粗放,企业单纯追求经济效益,而忽视环境效益和生态效益。 According to the 1999" China Environmental Status Bulletin" showing, our country major seven river systems, lakes, coastal waters and parts of the groundwater are polluted in varying degrees. The river is polluted by organics. The major pollutant is ammonia nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, permanganate index and volatile phenols. The characteristic of lakes is eutrophication , and the major pollutional indicators are total phosphorus. total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and permanganate index and so on. The pollutional indicators of coastal waters are inorganic nitrogen, active phosphate and heavy metals. These factors form that the water environmental problem features wide coverage, damage to power and difficult to treatment. Problems of the water environment in China are caused by many factors, but the main is human subjective factors. For a long time, the economic growth pattern is extensive and the enterprises pursue economic benefit. So we neglect the environmental benefit and ecological benefit 请爱护母亲河 Please protect the mother river 曾记得少年时光 Recalled young time 我们是多么地快乐 We were so happy 漂流在你的怀中 Rafting in your arms 亲吻着水的花朵 Kissing the water flower 是你那美妙的歌声 Your wonderful songs 陪伴着我的成长 Accompany my growth 啊,母亲河,母亲河 An, the mother river 是你的乳汁养育了我 Your milk brought up me 当离开你的时候 我们是多么地惆怅 When you were gone , we were melancholy 不知几回在梦中 A few times to know in my dream 才感到了你的忧伤 To feel your sadness 为何你的乳汁已经减少 Why your milk has been reduced 是谁改变了你的模样 Who changed the way you look 啊,母亲河,母亲河 Ah, the mother river, the mother river 是你的命运牵动着我 Your fate touches me 我就要回到你的身旁 I will go back to you 永远不会再离你而去 Never leave you again 让我用双手轻轻地抹掉 Let me wipe gently with my hands 你那往日的泪痕 Your old tear stains 让我用全部的爱情和生命 Let me spend the whole love and life 报答你曾给予过我的一切 To repay of giving me everything 啊,母亲河,母亲河 Ah, the mother river, the mother river 是你的希望召唤着我 Your hope calls me 美丽的河流让小鸟自由的飞翔 The beautiful rivers let birds fly freely 美丽的河流,让风景无处不在 The beautiful rivers let landscape be everywhere 打渔人的小船是河上一道亮丽的风景 The boat of fisherman is a beautiful landscape on the river 美丽的河流为村里人奉献着自己的一切 The beautiful rivers devote its all to the people of village 我们在行动 We are in action 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上巡逻,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前制止,并向其发放小标语。 In order that let more people know the importance of protecting the mother river, we had an action of " protecting the mother river and refusing to pollute the mother river" for a week. We asked the teacher to help me make hundreds of small slogans, and four people were divided into two groups to patrol at the lunch time in the river and bridge. Once we saw the people throwing garbage and spitting, we would step forward to stop and issue a small banner. 保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河 Let me protect the mother river and refuse to pollute the mother river. 请加入我们的行动,共同保护母亲河,有了你的加入,河流会更清澈,蓝天会更美丽,小鸟会飞得更高,鱼儿会游得更欢快,我们的生活会更美好! Please join our actions and protect together the mother river. The river will be more clear, the blue sky will be more beautiful, the birds will fly higher, the fish will swim more cheerfully and our life will be better! 驷马中学 计算机兴趣小组 The Sima middle school The group interested in computer 最初只有老师带领我们四人小组在街上宣传,第三天开始不断有同学加入我们,到后面我们的队伍状大的十几个人,这次行动很成功,同学们在我们的带动下自觉保护驷马河。 The teacher led our four-group publicity in the street at first. On the third days the schoolmates constantly began to join us. At last our team had more than a dozen people. The operation was so successful that the classmates consciously protected conscientiously the Sima River in our inspiration. 关于我们 About us 团队成员 The members of team 姓名:张艾 Name: Zhang Ai 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:网页制作 Main work: webpage making 体会:以前只会简单的打字、上网,现在第一次真正的接触了做网页,学习到了很多东西,这次活动丰富了自己,我很有成就感。 Experience: I could type simply and surf on the Internet in the past. Now I real contacted webpage making for the first time and learned a lot of things. This activity made me know more abundant. I have a great sense of accomplishment. 姓名:张逸 Name: Zhang Yu 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 Main work: collecting information and interview 体会:我们用老师的相机全程记录了本次活动,在老师的指导下我们小组共同努力完成了网页制作,我很努力也很自豪。 Experience: We used the teacher’s cameras to record this activity. Our team together finished the webpage making. And I was very hard and very proud. 姓名:谢石 Name: Xie Shi 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访、制作网页 Main work: collecting information, interview and making webpage 体会:参加这次活动让我感受到了团队的力量,自己不再是孤单的一个人,通过这次活动,增强了自己的自信心。 Experience: This activity let me feel the strength of the team and I was no longer alone. I also enhanced our confidence through this activity. 姓名:何孟秋 Name: He Mengqiu 年级:高二 Grade: the second grade in high school 主要工作:搜集资料、采访 Main work: collecting information and interview 体会:很高兴能够参加这次活动,在课外时间让我学会了很多知识,在老师的指导下,我们顺利的完成了网页制作,不管能否获奖,这都是我人生中宝贵的经历。 Experience: I am pleased to take part in this activity. I learned a lot of knowledge in my spare time. We finished webpage making successfully. No matter whether we win a prize, it will be valuable experience of my life. 制作过程 Working process 9月中旬,听老师说学校要参加网博会后,我们就报了名,在老师的组织下,我们四名同学组成了计算机兴趣小组,开始了这项崭新而充满挑战的工作。 After hearing of the teacher to participate in CyberFair, we signed up in mid-September. Our four students formed a group interested in computer and began this new and challenging work. 时 间 Time 工作项目 Work program 内容 Content 2011.9.25 组队、确定主题 Determine the theme and build group 我们组成了由两位老师和四名学生组成的计算机兴趣小组,否定了之前的主题最终确定主题为《我家门前的那条河》 We formed a computer group including two teachers and four students. At last, we determine the theme for “ In front of my home” instead of original theme. 2011.9.27 网上参赛报名 Take part in match in the internet 指导教师帮我们报名 The teachers help us sign up 2011.10.6 至2011.10.7 搜集驷马河的相关资料,借用相机 Collect the information of Sima River and borrow the camera 借阅了有关平昌县和驷马镇的书籍、借用了指导老师的数码相机。 Borrow the books of relative Pingchang county and Sima town and the teachers’ digital camera 2011.10.8 确定采访对象 indentify the interviewee 河边洗衣的妇女、垂钓者、和镇上的居民 Women of washing clothes on the river, fisherman and residents of town 2011.10.10 至2011.10.15 “保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动 Protect the mother river and refuse to pollute the mother rive 在河边宣传,劝阻人们向河里扔垃圾,并发放小标语 Publicity on the river and dissuading the people not to throw the rubbish and give out the slogans I 2011.10.16 乘坐小船拍摄 Shooting with the boat 在老师的带领下,我们乘坐小船,沿河拍摄,在河边拍摄了上百张照片。 We shot along the river by boat under the guidance of teacher and took hundreds of photos. 2011.10.19 采访镇上居名 Interview residents in the town 利用午休时间,我们到河边和街上,对10几名不同人员进行采访。 We interviewed more than ten different people on the river and street at lunch time. 2011.10.22 整理照片和采访的资料 Clear up the photos and interview information 分工合作,整理资料。 Work together and clear up the information. 2011.10.23 照片简单处理 Handle easily the photo 在办公室老师的电脑上,由老师指导,我们用photoshop软件对照片进行裁剪和调亮度对比度处理。 We use the photoshop software to clip the photo and contrast processing with the teacher’s computer, under the guidance of teacher. 2011.10.23至2011.10.30 制作网页 Make the webpage 我们主要利用午休时间,在指导教师的帮助下,我们使用Dreamweaver作为网页制作的工具,分工制作网 We use the Dreamweaver as webpage making toos to make the webpage under the teacher’s help at lunch time. 2011.10.31 审核 Examine and verify 请指导老师和部分同学看网页,并由指导老师提出修改意见,再次修改网页。 Please the teacher and some classmates watch the webpage and modified the webpage again through advising from the teacher. 2011.11.10 上传 uploading 由管理员老师给我们上传网站。 The administrator teachers give us upload webpage 采访感受 Interview experience 通过查阅资料我们知道了,驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河; Through access to information ,that we know Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. 驷马河非常清澈,除了夏天涨大水会混浊外,其余时间水都是绿色的,非常漂亮。 Sima River is very clear. The water is green and very beautiful at other time expect that rising flood maybe become muddy in summer. 在 驷马河上段,是国家级湿地保护区,居民的钦用水直接来源地,这条河流是我们保贵的资源,当地镇上的居民都很爱惜这条河,居民几乎都不会往河里倒垃圾和污水。 On the upper reaches of the Sima River is a national wetland reserve that is residents of directly drinking water sources. This river is our precious resources, local residents cherish the River in the town and almost don’t throw trash and sewage to it. 在采访过程中,了解到,每年夏天都会有小孩或大人因下河洗澡而溺水身亡,这让许多家长非常痛心。我们在此呼吁同学们,夏天虽热,但请一定不要下河洗澡,这会弄脏我们的母亲河,也会给自己带来安全隐患。同时如果看见有小同学或大人下河洗澡,也请及时阻止,不要让我们的父母担心。 During the interview we knew that every summer there are died children or adults of taking a bath and drowning in the river, which makes many parents sad. So we appeal to the students. The summer is hot, but please don't take a shower in the river. It will contaminate our mother river and brings ourselves danger. At the same time if you see a kid or adults to take a shower, please prevent them in time and don't let the parents worry. 行动影响 The action effect 为了让更多的人了解保护母亲河的重要性,我们进行了为期一周的“保护母亲河,拒绝污染母亲河”行动,我们请老师帮忙制作了上百张小标语,然后四人分成两组,利用午休时间分别在河边和桥上宣传,凡是看见有向河里扔垃圾和吐口痰的,上前劝阻,并向其发放小标语。 In order that let more people know the importance of protecting the mother river, we had an action of " protecting the mother river and refusing to pollute the mother river" for a week. We asked the teacher to help me make hundreds of small slogans, and four people were divided into two groups to patrol at the lunch time in the river and bridge. Once we saw the people throwing garbage and spitting, we would step forward to stop and issue a small banner. 这次宣传活动为期共一周时间,主要利用午休时间,宣传对象主要为街上老百姓,刚开始大家都很有挫败感,因为街上的叔叔阿姨对我们的宣传并不是很感兴趣,甚至有些人还认为我们在骗钱,第二天我们都想要放弃行动了,但老师不停的鼓励我们,同学们也鼓励我们,我们坚持了下来,一周时间很快结束了,我们的宣传得到了大家的肯定,也起到了一定的效果,我们战胜了自己。 This campaign activity has been for a week. The publicity object is primarily people in the street. At first everyone felt very frustrated, because the uncle and aunt were not very interested in that we told. Even some people believed that we were kiting. We wanted to give up this action on the second day. But the teacher and students kept encouraging to us, we insisted on. A week days ended soon, our propaganda got everyone's sure and a certain effect. We defeated ourselves. 在行动过程中,不断有同学加入我们,我们的行动小组由四人变成了十几人,这个行动非常成功。 In this action, some students constantly joined us. At last our team increased from four people to more than a dozen people. The action was very successful. 我们希望通过我们的实际行动,让更多的人爱惜母亲河,锻炼胆子,增加与陌生人交流的能力。 We hope that let more people love the mother river, exercise bold and increase the ability to communicate with strangers through our practical action. 驷马河是渠江一级支流,古名哀戎水,又名双桥河、石柱河。驷马河上游源头有10余处,主源为南江县的平岗乡松尖子,河源高程1140米,东南流入巴中县北境,折向南流经白庙、关渡,于大和乡南水宁寺右纳清江河,之后始称驷马河;主河道长86.7公里,流域面积1316平方公里,河道平均比降1.37‰,上游较陡,中下游较平缓,河宽平均约50米。流域呈扇形,河系发育,支流密布,水系为典型树枝状,水网密度达每平方公里2.2公里。 Sima River is the first tributary of Qujiang River, the ancient name for Sorrow Rong water, and also known as Double Bridge River and Stone Pillars River. There are about 10 headwaters of Sima River. The primary source is Pine-top of Pinggang town in Nanjiang County. The headwaters elevation is 1,140 meters, southeast inflowing C in the north of Bazhong Country. Then it turns south to flow through White Temple and Guandu to Qingjiang River at the south of Dahe town and the right of Nan Shuining temple. After that it is named after Sima River. The main river-stem is 86.7 kilometers long, the valley area of 1316 square kilometers. The river average gradient is 1.37‰. It is steeper in the upstream but more gentle in the middle-down stream. The average width of the river is about 50 meters. Watershed is fan-shaped and has upgrowth river systems. Tributary is densely covered. The river system distributes a typical arborization and the density of the water network is per square kilometre 2.2 kilometres. 我们通过对镇上居民的采访和一周行动,充分了解了驷马河是无污染的生态河流,通过对比其他地方被污染的河流,知道了保护河流的必要性,不能在若干年后,失去驷马河这一块净水。 After interviewing the residents in the town and the action for a week, we know Sima River is a no any contaminative original ecological river. Through comparing other polluted rivers, we know the necessity of protecting the river. We can’t lose this clean water, Sima River. 我们学校微机房未开通互联网,只有校园内部网,4名小组成员家庭条件都不是很好,家里都不具备上网条件,只有指导老师办公室和家里具备上网条件。所以网站大部分内容均是学生在微机房电脑上编辑好后,再用优盘复制到老师办公室完成。 The computer room is not available to surf on the Internet in our school, only the campus network. Four members of the group’s family condition is not very good to surf on the Internet. Only the teacher 's office and the home have access to the internet. So the most of website content is edited by student, and then copied to the teacher office to complete. 困难 Difficulty 对策 Countermeasure 心得 Feeling 校园微机房无互联网 The campus computer room doesn’t internet 无法查阅相关资料,只能进行简单文字输入。 We can only enter the words not to look up the related data. 先把基础录入性的文字完成,后面的事就简单多了。 First finishing the basic entering words, behind of things is easy. 办公室上网不太方便 It is not convenient in the office. 平常老师们要用电脑,只能利用老师的空闲时间来查阅资料。 Because the teacher must use the computer, we use it look up the data in spare time. 时间都是挤出来的。 Time all save. 第一次使用phtoshop和 Dreamweaver编辑软件,操作及不熟悉。 The first use of Phtoshop and Dreamweaver authoring software, operation is not unacquainted. 边学习边使用,不懂的就请教老师。 Learning and using at the same time, we will ask the teacher if we meet the difficulty.. 通过学习,对这两个软件有了初步的掌握。 We master these to software through study. 借用小船遇到困难 Borrowing the boat meets difficult. 通过同学帮忙,找到同学的亲戚借用到小船 We borrow a boat from the schoolmate’s relatives. 人多力量大 Large number of people is power. 制作宣传单有一定困难 making leaflet is certain difficulty 刚开始想通过手写,后面经老师协调,由学校打印了宣传单。 We wanted to write with hands at the beginning. At last we printed the publicity leaflet through the teachers’ coordination. 手写的效果较差,计算机打印的效果好,有时需要借助高科技. Writing with hands is worse and the printing effect with computer is better. Sometimes we need to use high technology. 活动时间严重不足 The activity time is not enough. 充分利用双休日和午休时间 Making full use of weekends and lunch time 周密制定活动计划并严格按计划有步骤的进行活动。 Carefully design plan and strictly do the activity according to the plan. 人的生活离不开水,动物离不开水,树木,庄稼离不水,水是大自然赋予我们最宝贵的资源,我们应该要爱护它,而不是破坏它,如果有一天最后一条河流也被污染了,那我们人类也走到了尽头。 People can’t live without water. The animals, trees and crops must also need the wate. The water is our most valuable resource that the nature gives us. We should take good care of it rather than destroy it. If one day the last river was also to polluted, that our humans would also walk to an end. 希望通过这个网页,把我们家乡的河流介绍到世界各地,让曾经污染、正在污染和可能会污染河流的人们感受到河流的美丽而减少对河流的污染节约用水,虽然我们的力量很小,认识也不全,但希望我们人类的共同目标保护母亲河这一思想能传递出去。 We hope that this webpage can introduce our hometown of river to around the world. Let the people who once polluted, are polluting and may pollute the rivers feel the river’s beauty. Thereby let them to reduce pollution to the river and saving water. Our strength is little and understanding is incomplete, but I hope that r this idea, our humans’ common goal of protecting the mother river, can pass out. 6、你们是如何把学校常规课程与网博会项目的研究活动相结合的? Six, how do you combine the regular school curriculum with the research activities of cyberfair project? 一直以来,农村中学信息技术课都是不被重视的课程,学生在学习过程中不主动不积极,有着一种得过且过的思想。通过这次活动,我们让同学自己来实践并完成活动,同学间相互帮助,极大的调动了同学们学习信息技术的积极兴。 All the time it is neglected of the rural high school course in information technology. The students do not take the initiative in the learning process and have a perfunctory idea. Through this activity, we let the students to practice and complete the activity. The students help each other and greatly arouse the students to the enthusiasm of learning information technology. 这次活动给同学们提供了一次极好的社会实践的机会,通过这次活动的体验和锻炼, 同学们都学习到了很多新知识,增强了自学能力,同学们已经不再是害羞不敢与陌生人接触了,而是极积的参与到整个活动中。 This activity provided students whit an excellent social practice opportunities. The students learned a lot of new knowledge and enhanced self-learning ability. The students are no longer shy not to contact with strangers, but join in the whole process. 通过这次专活动,使得同学们更深刻地理解了水资源的重要性,激发他们保护河流的热情,养成节约用水的习惯,增加了环保意识。 This activity makes the students have a deeper understanding of the importance of water resources, arouse their enthusiasm to protect the river, form the habit of saving water and increase awareness of environmental protection. 软件部分 Software part Dreamweaver 网页制作 webpage making WORD 2003 文本处理text processing photshop 7 图片处理,处理照片 Image processing, processing picture Flash MX 网页动画制作 Flash MX ACDSee 5.0 浏览图片 browsing the picture Microsoft IE 6.0 搜集网络资料Collecting network material Cute FTP 7 网站的上传Website uploading QQ 资料交流与技术咨询 Material exchange and technical consultation 硬件部分 手机Mobile phone 用于联系队员和采访 Used for contact players and interviews 数码相机Digital camera 采访拍照、摄像Interview with camera, taking pictures U盘U disk 拷贝资料、存储资料 Copy material ,storage material 电脑computer 查找资料、资料整理、网页制作 Looking up material, processing data, webpage making 打印机printer 制作宣传标语 Making publicity slogans 千乡万才跨网通平台 across Netcom platform of Towns and Talent 技术支持与交流 Technical support and exchanges 在我们的活动过程中,我们沿河进行拍摄,采访了镇上居民和钓鱼爱好者。我们用实际行动到街上宣传保护母亲河的重要性,我们希望有更多的人参与到保护母亲河的行动中来。 We shot along the river in our process and interviewed residents and fishing enthusiasts in the town. We used the actual action to tell humans the importance of protecting the mother river. We hope that more people take part in this action to protect the mother river. 通过我们的活动,让更多的同学和镇上的居民增加了环保意识,让他们知道了河流对于人类的重要性,从而自觉加入到保护河流的行列中来。 Our activities let more students and residents of the town increase environmental awareness and let them know the importance of rivers to human. At last let them join the ranks of protecting river. 我们的资料主要是通过书籍、网络和走访得到,有位同学亲戚家里有只小船,他帮助我们乘船拍摄;老师帮助我们打印宣传资料;制作网页的过程中大部分都是老师的指导,我们才能顺利的完成。 Our data is mainly from books, web and visits. There is a boat at the classmate relative’s home. He helps us shoot. The teachers help us print publicity materials. The most owe to teacher's guidance, we can successfully complete. 在制作网站的过程中,我们发现,要完成一个活动不是件容易的事,驷马河是我们每天都会看到的河流,但以前从未有过如此深刻的认识,也从未想过自己能走到大街上去宣传,这对我们都是极大的挑战,还好我们勇敢的战胜了自己,通过这次活动,我们学习到了很多新知识,扩大了知识面,重新认识了自已。 We found it is not easy to finish this work in making website process. Sima River is a river that we see every day. But we never had such a profound understanding and go to the street to propaganda, it is a great challenge for us. Fortunately we bravely overcame ourselves. We learn a lot of new knowledge, enlarge the knowledge and know ourselves again. 现在我们国家的河流状况不容乐观,我们希望通过这个网站能让更多的人意识到保护河流的重要性,增强环保意识。 Now it is not optimistic of our country river situation. We hope that it can make more people have aware of the importance of protecting rivers and enhance environmental awareness. 1.收集资料 Collecting material 2.采访及拍照 Interview and taking photoes 3.采访记录 Interviewing and writing 4.编写书面材料 Writing written material 5.整理资料  Processing material 6.录入文字 Entering the words 7.定期讨论及研究 Regularly discussing and research 8.制作网页 Making the webpage  55% 1.拟定计划 Doing the plan 2.召开会议 Holding a meeting 3.研究指导 Research and guide  4.网页技术指导 Technical guidance 5.摄影技术指导 Techniques for photography 6.软件教学 Software teaching 7.定期催促进度 Regularly urging the schedule 8.网站上传 Website uploading 20% 1.接受采访    2.接受宣传与调查 Accepting interview Accepting investigation and publicity 10% 1.接受访问 Accepting interview 2.提供资料 Providing material 3.提出意见 Advising 4.帮助制作宣传单 Help making leaflet 5% 同学 schoolmate 1.鼓励我们  Encouraging us 2.帮助联系小船 Help contact a boat 3.与我们一起上街宣传 Publicity together with us at the street
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